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We're so thankful for everyone in our Autism Speaks family. Here are some resources to help ensure that you and your loved ones with autism enjoy a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Holiday tips for people with autism spectrum disorders


The holiday season is a joyful time of year, but can be challenging for people with autism. Preparing and planning early for the holidays can help you relieve some of the holiday stress. So, we've assembled some tips to help. Read More

Autism and Thanksgiving: How to cope with the feasting and hubbub

Thanksgiving and Autism

Behavior analyst Kara Reagon reassures an autism mom, "The good news is that there are many ways to help your child cope with the excitement and bustling activity, as well as the unaccustomed over-abundance of delicious food." Read More

Holiday travel tips

Tips for holiday travel

Thanksgiving is the busiest time of year to travel. Preparing a person with for plane travel — and new techniques used at airport security checkpoints — can make a huge difference in making holiday travel a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Read More

Thanksgiving for our family is so much more than just the food


Autism mom Shelley Neustupa writes a gratitude list before the first Thanksgiving since her son's autism diagnosis. The list includes lots of family and friends, therapists, her employer, Autism Speaks, and "the little things." Read More

Happy Thanksgiving! A social story guide to a very special holiday

Thanskgiving Guide

Teaching stories can be particularly useful in helping an individual on the spectrum understand the changes in routine that occur on Thanksgiving. Autism Speaks has developed a teaching story specifically for Thanksgiving. Download it for free. Read More

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