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One in a Minion

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This exciting new event is a celebration of the light that shines in every person with autism and the community that supports them. The event brings together our community - of all ages - together for a day filled with activities that cater to the diverse needs and interests of the autism spectrum. It isn't just another event - it's a judgement free zone and a safe place for learning, support, empowerment, and raising funds.

Charlotte Field Day for All

Symphony Park



Lisa Harrington

Charlotte Field Day for All

One in a Minion

As a family we have spent thousands of dollars on weekly therapy, sometimes 3-4 providers a week when Abby was small and unable to communicate. Early Intervention was our top priority. While we are no longer doing “all the things” to address developmental delays, social acceptance has become more of our focus.

Today Abby is her own advocate. She can tell you about her autism based strengths and her continued challenges. Several years ago we did the Autism Walk as a team and she loved every minute of it. She feels celebrated when we can celebrate with others who have similar experiences. She feels seen and most importantly loved.

This year she asked to do the walk for her birthday! We will be selling shirts for $20. The shirts will cost $11 to make and the rest will go to Autism Speaks via our team,  One in a Minion. This years shirt is King BOB. Abby could speak Minion before she could communicate her own needs and it seems fitting that we continue as Team One in a Minion. We will be walking as a Team on October 28th at Truist Field at 10am.

Walk with us, buy a shirt, or just share your understanding of autism with your children. If you have questions about Abby’s preferences, just ask her. She is One in a Minion.

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