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Team Sophia

Raised $0
Goal $500



Help us reach our goal!

This exciting new event is a celebration of the light that shines in every person with autism and the community that supports them. The event brings together our community - of all ages - together for a day filled with activities that cater to the diverse needs and interests of the autism spectrum. It isn't just another event - it's a judgement free zone and a safe place for learning, support, empowerment, and raising funds.

Connecticut Field Day for All

Dunkin Park



Lisa Harrington

Connecticut Field Day for All

Team Sophia

#TeamSophia is back

As most of you know, 8 years ago Sophia was diagnosed with autism at the vulnerable age of two. Completely defeated, I looked for answers — What caused this? Why her? What can I do to help her? What does this mean for her future?

That’s where Autism Speaks came in and changed my mindset. Instead of reminding myself of all the things my daughter may struggle with, I started telling myself anything and everything is possible. I began researching and educating myself on ways to help my daughter succeed academically, socially and emotionally. 8 years later — our little girl is starting middle school, has made some very sweet friends and has discovered her passion in dance.

Please click the link and consider donating or even better, register to participate with us on Sunday, October 20th!

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