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Matthew G.'s Team

Raised $0



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This exciting new event is a celebration of the light that shines in every person with autism and the community that supports them. The event brings together our community - of all ages - together for a day filled with activities that cater to the diverse needs and interests of the autism spectrum. It isn't just another event - it's a judgement free zone and a safe place for learning, support, empowerment, and raising funds.

Sacramento Field Day for All

McClatchy Park



Noah Mestas

Sacramento Field Day for All

Matthew G.'s Team

When Matthew received his diagnosis, we became an Autism family.  All of us work together to utilize the skills that the Behavior Therapists teach us to help Matthew.  Every year, we will continue to walk to support other autism families.

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Our Team Goal $0.00
amount raised $0.00
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Our Team Members

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date Location schedule contact
Noah Mestas (585) 895-2579

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