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Brody's Squad

Raised $98.15
Goal $500



Help us reach our goal!

This exciting new event is a celebration of the light that shines in every person with autism and the community that supports them. The event brings together our community - of all ages - together for a day filled with activities that cater to the diverse needs and interests of the autism spectrum. It isn't just another event - it's a judgement free zone and a safe place for learning, support, empowerment, and raising funds.

Cincinnati Field Day for All

University of Cincinnati



Lindsey Pekala

Cincinnati Field Day for All

Brody's Squad

Brody was diagnosed with ASD a few months shy of his 4th birthday. The amount of progress he has made over the years is amazing. There was a point where I wasn't sure if he would ever talk, or be able to have conversations with me, or anyone. He is truly thriving and I'm so proud of the young man he is turning into!

When he was diagnosed, I was so scared for Brody & the uncertainties of his future, but also for the people in the world who are not educated on Autism or compassionate for the people living with it. I did not like that he would have a label that so many people do not have any education on. I knew as his mom it was my job to try and teach/educate others whether it was a stranger at the store or park that was staring during a meltdown, or just a friend or family member who has never been around someone with Autism.

Our children are so much more than their diagnoses and there are so many incredible recourses out there to help teach the community about Autism. The amount of progress and research that has become available compared to 2016 when he was first diagnosed is astounding. Supporting Autism Speaks is so vital for the Autism community for this reason. They provide so much for our children and the Autism community including their families.

We are so grateful to our families, all of Brody's teachers, aides, therapists and doctors. Having a great support system and people who love and accept your child is all you could ever hope for.

Join our team and come celebrate our awesome, sweet, smart, sassy, cemetery and state loving guy!

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