Hi friends!!! Amanda Lee Photography is fundraising for Autism Speaks from now until March 31st. Celebrating World Autism Day on April 2nd.
If you'd like to donate please click the link. I will be making a donation on behalf of my son, Nicholas as well as 5% of all sessions booked in the month of March.
~Our story
A lot of you know we have struggled to get help for my son for years. Issues ranged from severe aggression, defiance, extreme moods, anxiety, etc. From an early age we noticed a difference between him and other children. Eventually we changed our parenting style to be able to have a somewhat normal home life. He struggled terribly in school especially from kindergarten through third grade.
Without going into too many details it became an extremely unsafe environment for his classmates. After years of play based therapy, multiple counselors (including Perform Care), zero help from school guidance counselor & principal or pediatrician. Being told by Specialist we don't see kids as young as him, they aren't taking new patients, we don't take our insurance, we cannot see him without a diagnosis, unrealistic waiting lists.
Covid landed us homeschooling which gave us a first hand look at his school struggles. And we finally got in with Chop for a behavioral evaluation and independent neurologist. He was finally diagnosed with ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), anxiety, mood disorder, and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
We felt relief and started on our journey with a new school (same district, different principal and new Case Management Team), small behavioral classroom setting (AMAZING TEACHERS!), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medication. But we always felt there was more.
Fast forward to today, 5th grade. Nicholas is thriving in a regular classroom, decreased therapy sessions, zero school issues and has made HONOR ROLL all this year!
He was eventually referred to psychology at Cooper. Who evaluated and finally diagnosed him with Autism. Something his dad and I always thought.
Everything clicked. We finally felt like all our questions have been answered.
Getting these diagnosis including Autism doesn't change the fact that Nicholas is the same loveable, smart, capable, helpful young boy we already knew and LOVED!
He is proud of his Autism and knows he is smart and special. Trying to see the world through his eyes is incredible. We are so often blown away by him.
Raising money for this is a no brainier. I LOVE to help educate people and do something good for others. Especially when I know how hard and long the struggle can be.
Please consider making a donation to help make a difference!