Bob's Christmas 'Giving Trees' for $30
All Proceeds to Benefit Autism Speaks!
We raise funds for Autism Speaks because we love Cliffy. He's sweet, full of energy, funny, smart, loving and autistic. Cliffy is thriving and a big reason for that are the interventions he's had access to since his diagnosis. While we work on influencing the neurotypcial population to accept our autistic friends it's important to, at the same time, give Cliffy all the tools he needs to succeed in the world. Autism Speaks invests a lot of money into research, this research helps to develop specific strategies to help prepare our autistic children for what life has in store for them. The autism spectrum is broad and interventions vary; we are lucky that Cliffy has seen such success through his personalized support. If you're looking to donate to a cause, this one is worth your investment.
Cut Your Own Christmas Tree | Thanksgiving thru Christmas | $30 per Tree
Bob's Trees | 10 Maple St | Plainfield MA