Welcome to Little Miami Softball’s Third Annual “Matty B” Autism Awareness Game home page. We are honored to have the opportunity to raise awareness and celebrate not only Matthew, but the rest of the Autism Community.
Autism affects 1 in 44 children in the U.S. Many autistic people, especially those in underserved and under-resourced communities, face disparities in access to quality healthcare, employment opportunities, housing and social acceptance. More than two-thirds of children between the ages of 6 and 15 experience bullying and isolation. Peers play a pivotal role in helping autistic friends and classmates feel supported.
Throughout our years of hosting this event, we have been able to raise funds for the Autism Speaks foundation to help all people with autism reach their full potential. Today, we specifically would like to honor our team manager Matthew Benick, who is the inspiration behind our awareness game. Matthew, dubbed "Matty B" by the team, has played a pivotal role in the success of our team, and we are so grateful for the unique gifts and talents he brings to the field.
Thank you again to everyone for offering your time and support towards such a great cause. Throughout the campaign, we will be hosting raffles, selling t-shirts, and continuing to take donations for the Autism Speaks foundation. Our goal is to show the world that people like Matthew can be a light, and we are so gratefuul for this opportunity to continue raising awareness and celebrating our favorite team manager.