Pride rainbow image

Celebrating Pride month

Together we stand for a world of difference.

LGBTQIA+ resources

Information and support

Little girl with woman looking at camera
There is no one type of autism, but many.
Little boy wearing a baseball hat
One of the most important things you can do.

In your community

Woman wearing a headset on the phone
Have questions? We are here to help.
2 woman wearing glasses with the autism speaks logo behind them
Expert advice. Credible resources. Local providers.
Family of 6 people posing for photo with sons focus off camera
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Autism Speaks Walkers holding a team sign

Together, we are creating a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential.

The Autism Speaks Walk brings together people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers in a network of friendship and support. Funds raised help fuel innovative research, advocacy, and critical programs and services.

Walk with us

Autism news

All the latest that matters to our community

Advocacy priorities

Autism Speaks influences policy at the state and federal government levels. To do this, we work with Congress, the White House, state legislators, agencies, and regulators.

See our advocacy priorities
florist and medical professional

Do you have a job that's right for someone with autism? If you're hiring, the answer is yes!

Our Workplace Inclusion Now (WIN) program can help!

Learn more about WIN

Life on the spectrum

Rose L. wearing a floral shirt and sitting outside with a smile
Rose L.
Getting diagnosed helped me find a community and a place of understanding. Usually, I felt like an outsider knowing something was always different about me. Now I see it as my superpower.
Read Rose L.'s Story
Two people stand in a pose
That's what we continue to do–find ways to empower people with autism through theater
Read Kathryn's Story
A mom and a son smile at the camera in blue autism shirts on a sunny day
I feel like I have a responsibility to help people with autism and their families to try to make the world a better place.”
Read Elizabeth 's Story
Two siblings stand on a basketball court in matching shirts
Johnell and Jaunesia
My community did not have any resources, so I decided to become a resource
Read Johnell and Jaunesia's Story

If you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism.

- Dr. Stephen Shore