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2023 Kindness Campaign - Learn with Kindness
Southside Stimmin'
Over the past 20 years, we know there has been a lot more people, both kids and adults, diagnosed with autism. It's not because there's some epidemic. It's just because, as a community, we're getting better at recognizing autism. It doesn't matter where in the world you live, or how old you are. Chances are, you probably know someone with autism.
People with autism do not need a cure; because they are not sick. What they need the most? Kindness.
All throughout the month, we have committed to daily acts of kindness. The three main goals are: acceptance, understanding and inclusion. When you support our Kindness Campaign through a donation, we are all one step closer to a world where every single person with autism can reach their full potential.
"Autism is not a disease. Don't try to cure us. Try to understand us."