team roster
2024 TCS New York City Marathon
Team Cliff
On March 1, 2024 we received the diagnosis that our youngest son, Clifford, has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Autism refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication.
Although not a surprise to us, receiving the formal diagnosis changed things for our family. Some things changed for the better - now we can get him the therapies and resources he needs to thrive. Other things - like wondering what his future will look like, battling the insurance company, and being put on 8-12 month waiting lists for therapies - became much harder. As a parent, your greatest goal is to help and support your child. After endless phone calls, getting onto all the wait lists, reading page after page of websites claiming "this life-consuming diet" or "this new therapy strategy!" or "something you can buy!" will fix everything - we felt a bit lost. What else can we do? Where can we place this parental drive to help and support?
The Answer: We're running the NYC Marathon in November together to fundraise and support Autism Speaks!
We realize this sounds insane. We aren't big runners! In fact - we actively dislike running. But hear us out. It isn't really about running, it's about processing this stage in our lives and supporting an organization that works to help people just like Cliff.
Autism Speaks is an organization dedicated to promoting effective solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.
So here's the part where we ask for your help to reach our fundraising goal (*ugh, sigh* I KNOW!) A little given by a lot of people can go a long way. And please, send this along to anyone who you think may want to support a good cause and fuel a very long, (hopefully) therapeutic run for 2 parents trying their best.
Thank you for helping us reach our goal. Thank you for supporting Clifford and the greater cause of Autism awareness, research and resources. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Alec & Sarah
Thank you for supporting Autism Speaks. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
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