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Easton's "A" Team

Raised $688.75
Walk Goal $500



Help us reach our goal!

In addition to coming together in person to help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential, each Walk will retain the fun, remote-participation options introduced last year. Your safety is our priority — and no matter how you choose to participate, your support will be recognized and celebrated. Our community is stronger together, and we can't wait to celebrate one another and the amazing impact we are making together for people with autism and their families. Whether near or far, let's rally together on Walk day!

Walk Your Way



Autism Speaks

Walk Your Way

Easton's "A" Team

I always heard the term “a momma’s gut instinct” but never truly knew what it meant until I had kids of my own. With Easton, I had a “gut instinct” there was something different and special with him early on. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I just knew there was something. Fast forward to when he turned 15-18ish months old. I started researching Autism and it kinda clicked to me more, “maybe Easton is on the spectrum.”

Obviously not knowing a lot about Autism beyond what I had studied and read, the idea of it became overwhelming and scary. It still is to me. Some days I’m ok, other days it hits me like a train and I’m filled with so many emotions.

At his 2 year appointment, his pediatrician felt it was time to refer him for an assessment. That day was tough! Although I kinda knew it was coming & have felt it in my heart for a while….hearing we were proceeding with an assessment made it more real. The tears flowed for most of the day. You always want the best for your children, to be healthy & happy and have the best life possible. This world can be tough and you never want your kids to struggle or face hardships although you know it’s inevitable.

That day, Easton’s pediatrician said something and it has helped changed things for me. She said: “Easton is going to be just fine. God gave him to you because you are strong, you are going to advocate and fight for him and do whatever you physically can to help him. You can do this!” And she is right, that’s exactly what I will do.
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