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Fundraising with Team Ethan Rocks!

Raised $2,573.40
Walk Goal $5,000

In addition to coming together in person to help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential, each Walk will retain the fun, remote-participation options introduced last year. Your safety is our priority — and no matter how you choose to participate, your support will be recognized and celebrated. Our community is stronger together, and we can't wait to celebrate one another and the amazing impact we are making together for people with autism and their families. Whether near or far, let's rally together on Walk day!

Connecticut Walk

Rentschler Field at Pratt & Whitney Stadium



Beth Whitney, Manager, Field Development New England

Corridor Ventures
Daniel Joseph and Tracy Smith
Boutin Family
From Jamie & Josh
Tim, Cyndi and Juni
Lora Olivieri
Melissa Simonik
Gram and Grandpa
Aunt Keish and Uncle Rich
DeMello Family
Jared Duquette
James Huntley
Bam <3
Lisa Ohayon
Renee& Jeremy Guida
Jenn Harrison
Kevin, Kaitlyn, and Abby
Sativa Ross
Bridget Pelletier
Jessica LeBlond
Merrilee Fraser
Jennifer Rowland
Murphy Family
Erin Raponey
Heidi Dempsey
Shannon Bloking
Cara a Pavalock-D'Amato
Kimberlee Donahue
The Rogers Family
Ottani Family
Liz Malzac
Ali Lague
Andrea + Kendall Graham
Fran Greger