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Jackson's Team

Raised $6,601.65
Walk Goal $7,000



Help us reach our goal!

In addition to coming together in person to help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential, each Walk will retain the fun, remote-participation options introduced last year. Your safety is our priority — and no matter how you choose to participate, your support will be recognized and celebrated. Our community is stronger together, and we can't wait to celebrate one another and the amazing impact we are making together for people with autism and their families. Whether near or far, let's rally together on Walk day!

Long Island Walk

Jones Beach - Field 5



Eddie Russo, Manager, Field Development NY

Long Island Walk

Jackson's Team


For those of you who are new to Jackson's Team, WELCOME! 
We are family, friends, providers, and most importantly supporters
of our sweet Jackson.
For Newcomers: Jackson was diagnosed with Autism before his 2nd birthday and thankfully with the support and guidance of a dear friend, we were able to get him enrolled into Early Intervention and later a dedicated preschool program. He has been doing so great and this is our  4th annual walk as a team!
For All: Having you all here to help us and support us on this journey has been such a blessing! We truly do not know what we would have done without each of you!
We created this team to spread awareness and to promote acceptance!
Our son is autistic, and we are proud of him! Every day he shows us something new and makes our lives brighter.
Once a year we come together with our family and friends to walk together, not only for Jackson but for all of the amazing autistic people we have met along the way!
We hope to have you join us this year as we walk on Jackson's Team!

If you would wish to purchase a shirt please go to:

-Derek & Erica

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Our Team Goal $7,000.00
amount raised $6,601.65
Our Supporters

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Our Team Members

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Event Details

Long Island Walk

date Location schedule contact
Jones Beach - Field 5 09:00 a.m. - Registration Opens~10:00 a.m. - Opening Ceremony / Mission Moment~10:30 a.m. - Ribbon Cutting / Walk Starts~12:00 p.m. - Event Concludes Eddie Russo, Manager, Field Development NY (914) 714-5632

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