Welcome to LB Ohana!
Have you ever heard that famous saying, “slow and steady wins the race.” Well for our family, and most other autism families, this is our moto. We are a family of two boys with autism, yet both have very different support needs. We have had ups and downs, as we learn more about ASD & AUDHD. We have learned and grown over the years and so has our family and friends. They have supported us, learned our new moto and always reminded us that family never leaves anyone behind. This is when our family and friends became LB Ohana. Now we invite you to join team LB Ohana, where family and friends grow as a team. Where our moto is, “slow and steady wins the race and no one will ever be left behind.”
Please join, donate or walk with us to help our Ohana and others like ours by supporting Autism Speaks Walk Fundraiser.
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