In May of 2022 Autism became a BIG part of my life! I joined the team at Autism Speaks.
So this year at Angel Stadium we will be walking. And walking...and walking...and walking along members of the autistic community until we are able to provide all the services and support desire and need!
The team at Autism Speaks is so, so, SO dedicated to serving autistic people and their families. It's still blows my mind to hear that, over 70 million children and adults are impacted by autism.
Yes, you heard that right 70 MILLION!!!
Every single autistic person has unique strengths, challenges and potential. Autism Speaks is there for them. But, we need your help ensuring that we can continue to provide the growing number of newly diagnosed people with the services they want and need.
Each year, our Autism Response Team works with tens of thousands of people searching for advice or guidance and more than one million people access our free nationwide autism services and resources.
Once again, you heard that right ONE MILLION!!!
These are just a couple of examples of the work we do. All this in an effort to to improve the world for people with autism by investing in things that focus on personalized treatments and therapies.
If you're getting this message then it means I know that you are a caring, compassionate person that is all about doing good in the world. So why not make a small donation and support the Walk and this great cause? Even better, join our team!!
Together, we have the power to enhance the lives of people with autism and make a meaningful difference. And helping others is what life is all about!!
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