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Emmett's Entourage

Raised $1,545.74
Walk Goal $1,400



Help us reach our goal!

In addition to coming together in person to help create a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential, each Walk will retain the fun, remote-participation options introduced last year. Your safety is our priority — and no matter how you choose to participate, your support will be recognized and celebrated. Our community is stronger together, and we can't wait to celebrate one another and the amazing impact we are making together for people with autism and their families. Whether near or far, let's rally together on Walk day!

Los Angeles Walk

Rose Bowl



Autism Speaks

Los Angeles Walk

Emmett's Entourage

Anyone who knows Emmett knows that he is such a sweet, happy and energetic boy. He constantly surprises us with how much he accomplishes and the challenges he overcomes. He is very special in every single way. We definitely don’t understand why or how he has ASD but we love him nonetheless. Walk with us in support of Emmett and others like him!

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Our Team Goal $1,400.00
amount raised $1,545.74
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Event Details

Los Angeles Walk

date Location schedule contact
Rose Bowl 08:30 a.m. - Registration~10:00 a.m. - Opening Ceremonies~10:45 a.m. - Walk Begins~12:00 p.m. - Closing Ceremonies

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