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Pittsburgh Walk
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Carmeuse is a global manufacturer of lime and limestone products used in a variety of applications, which provide cleaner air, safer water, and improved soil characteristics. Founded in 1860, Carmeuse is a privately owned Belgian company evolving from a calcium-based mineral provider into a company that continues to add integrated services. Carmeuse and its subsidiaries offer equipment and engineering services to optimize our customers’ processes, improve safety, and provide reliable supply.

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Carmeuse is a global manufacturer of lime and limestone products used in a variety of applications, which provide cleaner air, safer water, and improved soil characteristics. Founded in 1860, Carmeuse is a privately owned Belgian company evolving from a calcium-based mineral provider into a company that continues to add integrated services. Carmeuse and its subsidiaries offer equipment and engineering services to optimize our customers’ processes, improve safety, and provide reliable supply.
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Top 10 Participants
Participant Name Event Name Amount
Personal Donation Catherine Lemley Pittsburgh Walk


Anita Tillman Pittsburgh Walk


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